Inspired by Queer theorist José Muñoz, Cruising Dystopia is a tabletop roleplaying game all about reclaiming spaces in a future not made for you. Set in the not so distant future, the game's dystopic world has been taken over by capitalistic greed, climate change, and predjudice. Inspired José Muñoz's concept of queerness as living within "straight time" but still dreaming of utopia and imagining places of collective futurity that are available to all, Cruising Dystopia posits players to activate a utopic idealised Queer world that is safe for Queer people, by reclaiming spaces in the present. Instead of imagining a far off utopic future that is unreachble, we can activate that utopic dream and change the world now with small simple acts. This celebrates hope and hopfully gives players a safe place to explore how they can make the world or spaces around them feel safer for them as queer people!!

Download this TTRPG here

"During quarantine 2020, realized I was genderfluid and trans around the same time I met my current partner (she/they) online, who was also discovering her own gender. Our love story and our gender journey/transition are intertwined in a way that feels like a once in a lifetime experience. It's also a once in a lifetime experience that's basically saved us during this incredibly stressful time."

Play it here

Take a short trip into an animated abstract retro world of self-discovery in this collaborative creation made for the LGBTQ+ Positive Voices @ Goldsmiths exhibition.

Feeling a bit lost in the rainbow spectrum? Begin the quest to discover yourself by gathering yellow hearts scattered throughout this vibrant world. And each of the blue characters you'll meet along the way have reassuring words to share with you.

Game collaborators: Anonymous 1 & 2, Shanique, Ray, Arati, HAHAHA, Ash, GDM, Wildo, Konrad, Leon, AnimaeNoctis.

Play it here